Take Action
Help save energy and water on campus.
Simple Ways to Save
- Hit the switch when you leave an empty room. Lighting accounts for 15 percent of energy use. You can also open blinds or shades to maximize natural lighting, or use task lighting (powered by LEDs) instead of overhead lighting.
- Pull the plug to prevent electronics from using energy when not in use. Many devices still use energy even when not in use.
- Shut the sash of lab fume hoods, one of the biggest energy wasters on campus.
- Mind your monitor, which consumes over half of the energy used by an average computer; when not in use, turn off your monitor to save energy.
- Turn off the tap while shaving, brushing teeth or any other time when you’re not actually using water.
- Fix leaks fast to save gallons. Reports leaks on campus to 919-515-2991.
- Shorten your shower to save about 2.5 gallons of water per minute.
- Wash wisely to save energy and water. Only wash and dry full loads of laundry and use cold water to maximize energy savings.
Beyond campus, you can also save energy through transportation and purchasing. Drive less by walking, biking or carpooling. Also, opt for local food or products when possible in order to support your local economy and reduce transportation impacts.
Report An Issue
See an issue on campus that’s wasting energy or water? Contact the Facilities Liaison in the building where the issue is located. These liaisons can submit work orders related to the issue.
You can also contact Energy Management directly at save_energy@ncsu.edu.